All posts by raewyn

Ad Watch

Raewyn V McBain
Pink Tiger Media

“A Diamond Is Forever”

In 1947, when these four simple words were crafted, no agency would have even dreamt that the tagline would still be a raging success in 2012. “A diamond is forever”  has entered our everyday language and desire in the hearts of millions. The simplistic artwork adds to the overall success; the stark ebony black background – almost represents a little black dress adorned with a diamond. In 2002, De Beers announced a joint venture retail partnership with LVMH, the world’s largest luxury brands company that holds in excess of 60 brands.  Less is more.

Ratings: 5 stars

“Got Milk?”

What were they thinking – The California milk processor board  has ditched its latest  “Got milk?” campaign. The ad revolved around the claim that milk can mitigate symptoms of Premenstrual Tension – PMT.  In my view, it didn’t even hit the basics. One has to ask,  so what was the objective? What was the demographic they were trying to reach and while I like subtle sales messages, how on earth was anyone supposed to think about going out to buy milk? And why run it in a financial services magazine? When the campaign was withdrawn the agency and the milk company both declared it was a success, sounds like a PR angle. My final comment to this ad is why do American designers love the colour brown and tan so much?

Ratings: 2 stars