Category Archives: Raves & Rants


Video Links

The old saying “A picture is worth a 1000 words remains true” Video links help sell a story and give journalists more information at their fingertips. Video proficiency is a bonus and where possible needs to be incorporated into the communications program – its all about brand extension and image.  You tube allows video links to be posted easily – Corporate (Product) video links and presentations are always a successful way in delivering a lot of information in a brief time frame. The human voice and company spokesperson always helps deliver a key message – remember PR is built on two way communication. Social media is public and all interaction helps both negative and positive responses all count. It’s the PR agencies job to turn those negative comments around and change a negative posting into a positive situation.

A social Media PR program needs to be planned and executed on a reactive basis. The speed of news, both good and bad, has changed the relationship between PR pros and the media, along with business and their customers, as the CEO of Pink Tiger Media I believe this is for the better.

When it comes to the world of PR one should always under promise and over deliver.

Feel The Rush.